Little Myah entered the world with a dangerous brain condition that caused her delicate head to swell unusually. Her mother said she looked like an alien. However, against all odds, Myah defied expectations and blossomed into a thriving child.
In 2018, Emma and her husband Andrew, a loving couple from Belfast, joyfully welcomed their daughter Myah into their lives. Emma vividly described how the unique appearance of her little one at birth reminded her and Andy of the alien baby depicted on the packaging of Space Raiders crisps.
Myah was born with a condition that caused her head to swell, and the road ahead would be long. The little girl experienced a substantial accumulation of fluid surrounding her brain. Emma, wholeheartedly dedicated to Myahs care, openly expressed her fears and uncertainties about the path ahead for her precious daughter. She was told Myah wouldnt be able to walk, talk, or swallow.
Emma and Andy had been aspiring to start a family for several years. In 2017, they underwent a single cycle of IVF. They had just one opportunity for success, and fortuitously, it resulted in a positive outcome.
After a routine 20-week scan, Emma and Andrew learned they were expecting a baby girl. However, there was a twist to the joyous news: their daughters head appeared abnormally large, and certain parts of her brain seemed missing.
The journey was not without its scares. Recalling one frightening moment, Emma shared, “I actually started bleeding a few weeks into my pregnancy and was convinced I was having a miscarriage but incredibly, scans showed our baby was still alive and growing.”
Now a five-year-old, Myah has endured six surgeries, including open-heart surgery, fundoplication, abdominal catheter fitting, and the recent shunt insertion to remove the excess fluid. One particular surgery involved opening Myahs right side of the head to facilitate the shunts drainage.
Remarkably, Myah is already on the road to recovery, astonishing Emma with her resilience as she returns to her daily activities and even resumes her studies.
The mother recently shared a Facebook post with a photo of her and Myah. People showered them with praises, with one writing, “gorgeous girls.”
Emma openly shared how the major surgeries were emotionally more challenging for herself and Andrew than for their brave little Myah. Emma highlighted Myahs incredible spirit and growth, emphasizing that she flourishes uniquely.
In September 2022, Myah embarked on an exciting journey as she started school, swiftly capturing the hearts of her classmates. Her unwavering love for Abbas song “Dancing Queen” earned her the reputation of an enthusiastic fan, requesting the melody to grace her ears multiple times each day.
Emma fondly expressed how Myahs contagious joyfulness transformed her into a local celebrity, with everyone in their community recognizing her by name.
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When Myah was three, Emma proclaimed her “nothing short of a miracle.” The mother celebrated her daughters remarkable progress. Myah went to a special needs nursery for children with unique needs, an experience that Myah adored wholeheartedly.
As a devoted mother, Emma makes every effort to ensure her childs life is comfortable. Recently, she shared a Facebook post, highlighting the joy they experience on sunny days. Additionally, she documented their visit to the neurosurgeon for the second time in two days. She also talked about her daughters time in hospice, writing, “Our big girl is home and well rested after a brilliant few days at the hospice. We are so lucky and grateful to get these opportunities for her, and us.”
In a testament to resilience and love, Myah, who entered the world facing a perilous brain condition, has blossomed into a thriving child. Emmas unwavering dedication and Myahs remarkable spirit have carried them through surgeries and challenges, filling their lives with joy and gratitude.